Our Work

Dojo Protocol

Dojo transforms GPU and cloud computation on Solana by channeling value through a globally distributed cloud network. It efficiently recycles underutilized GPU resources from independent data centers, cryptocurrency mining farms, and consumer GPUs to optimize performance for a diverse range of clients, from small startups to major AI enterprises.

Front End
The Task

Revamp Dojo’s existing brand to create a more sleek and professional appearance, encompassing logo design, typography, color schemes, and an overall cohesive aesthetic.


Design and develop a modern website that effectively showcases and markets Dojo’s products and services in a sleek and sophisticated manner. This site will guide prospective consumers and investors through a strategic funnel, encouraging them to join the Dojo AI network and increasing the likelihood of converting them into users and contributors.

Preview of Dojo landing page
Preview of Dojo design elements
Preview of Dojo design element



Front End


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